Fine Arts » Senior High Drama

Senior High Drama

Mr. DeAnte' Hall serves as the dance and theatre teacher at the Academy for Classical Education.  He has been with ACE since 2019.  Mr. Hall was introduced to theatre at Perry High School as a freshman and major in theatre during college.  He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre, minored in Dance, and earned a Masters in Theatre Education from Columbus State University, in Columbus, Georgia.  While attending college, Mr. Hall performed in a show that toured over 60 elementary schools in Georgia and Alabama.  He also performed for Duke Ellington's granddaughter, Mercedes Ellington!

THEATRE ARTS I/Fundamentals/Tech- Sr. High Scholars who are in learning how to step outside your comfort zone? Want to see what it takes to be a performer? Interested in what goes on behind the scenes of a movie or stage production? Then Theatre Arts is the place for you. Through taking drama courses scholars will learn about empathy through character study, work as a team and ensemble, learn about the different elements of theatre including technical and design aspects, learning different dance styles, develop good diction, poise, and stage presence, and more. Students do not need any performance or theatre experience to take Theatre Arts I. Through this course, students will deepen their knowledge on performance skills, technical theatre elements, and the production process. Students will help design and create many of the set, lighting, costume, and prop elements for the ACE’S productions.

ACTING (One Act Class)-  Students will apply and audition to be a part of the Production class. This class is based around creating and performing in shows. Through this course students will deepen their knowledge on performance skills, technical theatre elements, and the production process. Students in this course will be involved in a One Act Play under the GHSA criteria.  Students in this course will also perform in a Christmas Show in the Fall or Children’s Theatre Show in the Spring.

 International Thespian Society: Students have to opportunity to join Troupe #8502. Being a member of this internationally recognized honor society lends a great amount of stature and pride to the students who are part of the program. You are joining more than TWO MILLION students who have been honored for excellence in theatre since 1929! Thespians are also eligible to compete in festivals and for scholarship money on state and national levels (This looks great to colleges!). Overall, the mission of the International Thespian Society is to honor students’ achievements within theatre arts. Within the program, high school students are affectionately known as “Thespians”. ACE Thespians are eligible to go on a Field trip in the spring to Thescon! This is a three-day conference that takes place in Columbus, Ga. Thespains from all over the state come to take workshops from professionals in the field. They are also able to see a plethora of shows put on by other schools.  If you are interested in joining the Thespian Society, please talk to Mr. Hall.    

Both the Thespian and Junior Thespians meet at least once a month. During our meetings we might play theatre/improv games, have theatre karaoke or prepare for an upcoming fundraiser or event. Theses meeting can take place before or after-school and typically last no longer than an hour.

 For more information on Thespians please go to the website below: 

Questions?   E-mail Mr. Hall  at [email protected]

 Be sure to visit the Theatre Facebook page at:

 Follow our Instagram page at:  ace_theatre