Governing Board

ACE’s Governing Board will uphold the mission and vision of The Academy for Classical Education through visible leadership and stewardship. Leading by example in personal and professional endeavors, this Board will provide strategic oversight impacting education of ACE students and will connect the school to the broader local and state communities. The Board will provide expertise to the school, assist with fundraising, and drive key governance functions and legal responsibilities including management oversight, strategic planning and policy-making, and fiduciary requirements. The ACE Governing Board will work to ensure there are adequate resources and local partnerships; serve as a support mechanism on personnel, community, and grievance matters; and support the school and its staff in accomplishing performance goals set forth in the charter application.  The Board will fulfill the following responsibilities:
  • Approval of School Improvement Plan and updates
  • Approval of Annual Budget and related allocations
  • Selection of the school leader/principal
  • Support vision, mission and Charter
  • Gather ideas and feedback from faculty and staff, families and community
  • Make decisions upon recommendations from Leadership
  • Make recommendations to the principal on school-wide issues—such as budgetary issues, space issues, and curriculum ideas.
  • Establish goals and objectives for the coming year
  • Oversee the preparation and publishing of the annual report
  • Evaluate policies, procedures, operations, and propose amendments
  • Ensure all decisions and actions are consistent with the charter
  • Refer individual/personal grievances to the appropriate staff member
  • Develop a foundation board that will oversee fundraising for the school
  • Develop an advisory board who will work with the principal at his/her request
I am a board member, called upon by my community to shape the vision and future of our charter school and, in turn, our children.
I pledge to ACE as a servant leader, obligated to exercise authority with empathy, equity and objectivity.
I am prepared to make material sacrifices of my time, thought, and treasure for the good of the charter school, while neither asking nor expecting recognition for those parts of me that I have given.
I am willing to demonstrate the courage necessary to make unpopular decisions with the greater good in mind.
I am willing to take time to hear, understand and accommodate those with opinions different from my own.
All of my actions will be motivated by and will reflect, the mission of the charter school, the values of my board, federal and state law, and the public trust.
Governing Board Members - Biographies